Hello there @mikael !

I see what your saying but what you cannot see is originally (and before i fixed the duplicate streams) i had somthing similar to this:

img = Image.open('my_image.png') img.load() img_rs = img.resize((256, 256), 1) with io.BytesIO() as iodata: img_rs.save(iodata, 'png') texture=scene.Texture(ui.Image.from_data(iodata.getvalue(), ... ...

i changed it to img=img... to reduce code knowing ill never need that exact ref to original again during this loop session.reason is i place the Texture object in a cache dict and from here on is called from there 🤓🤓


I also forgot to include my finally block that handles any mishaps once caching is complete..

finally: iodata.close() f.close() img.close() del img del f del iodata for x in locals(): print(x)